Added Your Suggestions (part 1)

Hi Everyone!

I just want to say thank you so much for all the kind words about this character creator! I took some of your suggestions and requests and added them in! These include:  vitiligo (using procedural generation!), freckles, acne, scars and mobility aids! I also fixed some bugs that people have kindly let me know about in the comments! 

I am currently in the process of making more hair options and will add them as soon as I can. I hope you have a great day and I hope you like some of these new additions!

- MM

Files Play in browser
May 31, 2024


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I love this prototype! I really like how I can make it look like me, except the lips that looked most like mine look kind of awkward and the rest of the closed lips were either too big or too small, because mine are medium sized. So this one was kind of my only option. Also the eyebrows on the cute lil sprite are black even though I didn't make them black. I don't know if that's intentional or not. Overall I think this is super cute and I love the gui stuff and I would 100% play a game like this!